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Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Great addition to my previous post

I just stopped by the blog of my "very first best friend ever" and saw this quote that compliments my previous post perfectly so I wanted to share. Thanks Kara! You're light keeps me warm eternally!

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

~Marianne Williamson, A Return To Love

Sunday, December 21, 2008

It's a State of Mind Thing....

I don't think it was any accident that someone shared this video clip with me today. Actually, I believe in the concept of "accidents" less and less these days anyway. At any rate, I was knee deep in "cow pies", you know, the funky doldrums that stink but are also somewhat comfortable and familiar. That "here we go again" feeling that arises in my life around the holidays. It had come to be expected. This is what it's like when you've surrounded yourself with people who, for whatever reason, don't function well this time of year. It could be the "stress" of making the holidays "perfect." It could be the feeling of loss that's left behind when we have loved ones who have passed. Whatever it is, some of us allow those "perceptions" to take us down a path that is filled with tense, high pressure, toxic emotions that spill over and affect everyone and everything around us.

I've been blessed to have worked for some time now with a fantastic group of women who are all focused on improving and empowering ourselves so that we can avoid (and destroy!) the cow pies. Still, for me, and I suspect a few of my counterparts, there are moments when our bucket is empty and we lack the ability to use our tools to stay above the fray.

That's where I was just this morning when one of those fantastic women shared this video. When I wasn't able to tap into my toolbox, this clip jolted me back to that place where I know that it's my choice and my decision to be....or not be...a certain way, no matter what I'm faced with or surrounded by. Cow pies be damned!!!!

So with that, I'd love to share this video with you in the hopes that you too will find strength, courage and inspiration.

Thank you Kathy! How does it get any better than this?

Friday, December 19, 2008

Super Cute and Free...

So I guess you can say I've been on a "freebie" kick lately but I had to give a quick shout out to the site that's responsible for adding a little pizzazz to my blog!

If you haven't been to yet...get there now! They have boatloads of free backgrounds to add a little zest to your blog. They can also customize headers and offer photo card design too! There are a bounty of resources that a gizmo gal like me can get lost in for days. Fret not fellas, they have "masculine" stuff too!

So here's to Becky and Ashley! Thanks for creating such a wonderful site with enough blogger eye candy to keep me happy!

See what I mean? Adorable!!!!

...and stay tuned...I plan to check out their tips on how to add a gorgeous signature to your blog!

All the best,

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

You Don't Find Free Graphics Anymore.....or do you?

Here's something I'm excited to share with all the internet marketers out there!

I came across this great product that is a definite plus in my books.

Not only does it make the job of an internet marketer easier, faster and with a great professional look, they are offering it for free. (free is good... I love free don't you?!?!)

Imagine that!

Finding great professional work like this will cost a fortune, not to mention the "cost" of trying to design them yourself. If you're anything like me all you'll end up with is a tension headache, huge gaps of lost time in your life and maybe a couple nights in the "dog house"....not exactly what I'd call an optimal result.

For some it will consume your days, leaving no time to attend to anything else...sound familiar?

But have no fear....FREE GRAPHICS ARE HERE!!!!

I must say that the graphics are great (I'm big on visual aesthetics) and the quality is superb. They're just what you need to grab attention and help make that sale...without the added frustration of the "not so simple" creative process. (If you happen to be good at those things....more power to you and keep on rockin')

Anyway, these cool graphics can be used for:

-Opt In forms

-Order Now Buttons

-Download Now Buttons

-Guarantee Buttons

- and more...

And the best part is, the are All for free.
....did I mention that they're free!
....can you tell I'm a wee bit thrilled about this?

All right, enough celebration....if you want find out more,(and get cool graphics for FREE) click here...

....but hurry!!!......who knows when these guys will come to their senses and start charging what it's worth :)

All the best,


Tuesday, December 9, 2008

$100,000 "Net" A Day? This is a game changer....

Once in a while a unique new product hits the market.
It doesn't happen often these days, and when it does
it's both refreshing, and very exciting.

Now while a new product is kinda cool, it isn't that
big of a deal, until you find out the developers of
this methodology NET between $50,000.00 and
$100,000.00 a day.

Yes A DAY.
What is it? It's a new twist on an old concept of an
Underused, under exploited and WAY under-estimated
stream of traffic with insane potential.

This is the first and only chance you may have to learn
from someone who regularly makes $100,000 a DAY online.
Brad Fallon of StomperNet has just made a video talking
about a closed door event last week where these guys spoke,
and blew away all the Guru's.

Go watch it now, and grab the 25-page report that might
just change the way you approach… forever.

Get your free report now!

To Your Success!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Obama: No one 'more qualified' than Shinseki to head VA -

Obama: No one 'more qualified' than Shinseki to head VA -

On November 20th, 1995, I was hired for my first "real job" as an RN. The Louis Stokes Cleveland Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center (mouthful isn't it?) would be my place of employment for the next 10-plus years.

There's something special about a VA hospital. I think it's the camaraderie among the patients. They all have something in common....they served! Getting to know these guys and gals through my tenure at the Cleveland VA is something I'll always cherish and was one of the things I missed the most when I left to stay at home to nurture my children and my entrepreneurial spirit.

It's been just a bit shy of three years since I stepped away and many of the memories have faded a bit...but the recollection of an overwhelming sense of gratitude is just as strong...not only my gratitude for all they have done, but the gratitude the Veterans themselves have for the system that vowed to take care of them.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Manifest Your Dreams

With the popularity of The Secret, I think I'd be hard pressed to find anyone who didn't have some inkling of what "The Law of Attraction" is all about....and... how powerful it can be. Sure, there are naysayers and skeptics alike but in general, I think it's safe to say that the idea of visualizing and manifesting your desired reality are not as "taboo" as they used to be.

I've recently come across a great tool to help you rev up the law of attraction by giving a *boost* to your visualization. I literally can't stop talking about it. It's called a Mind Movie and it was created by a guy from
Australia that was able to create the life he **desired** by using them and now he wants to help other people do the same. You can check out an interview with him here.

Aside: What's with Australia anyway....the "birth" of The Secret, now this! I'm thinking I need to take a trip down under!!!!!

Anyway, here's the url in case the link is a bit wonky (I'm still learning ya know?)

It's definitely worth taking a peek! You can even request 6 free pre-made videos for you to try out. No, it's not a free trial kind of a thing. They're yours to download without obligation....sweet!!!!

The other really cool thing is that you can actually purchase a kit so you can create your own personalized mind movies. Add your own empowering phrases, pictures, music, etc., etc. I just received my kit the other day so I'll have to keep you posted on the progress of my first manifesting video creation. Perhaps I'll even post it. I bet you can hardly wait!

Just remember....thoughts do become be picky and be positive!!!

All the best,

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Making Money While Working At Home Is Easy?

It’s no secret that now, more than ever, people have an interest in learning how to make money on the Internet. In fact, there is so much information out there it’s overwhelming. If you don’t believe me, just go to Google, plug in “make online money” and see how many results you get. Go ahead ....I'll wait.

Are you back? What did you see? The last time I checked, there were over 44 MILLION results for those words alone…not to mention “internet business” and “web income.”

That’s insane!

Actually, if you stop and think about it, I guess it really isn’t that hard to believe. We all need money to survive, right? It’s pretty hard to feed our families and put a roof over our heads without it. In addition to that, there are the things we want…you know, the tricked out cell phones, high def TV’s, a Wii….and hey, a little vacation wouldn’t be too bad either. After all, who wants merely to survive? Life is meant to be enjoyed! Right?

Well, the harsh reality is that most people these days have a hard enough time keeping their heads above water, let alone being able to buy the toys or other “extras.”


That’s why “make online money” is such a popular search topic. Couple that with a widespread lack of job security (a phrase I consider to be an oxymoron) and the fact that the current state of our economy is being touted as “the worst financial crisis of our time” and voila! have people looking for alternative options by the droves.

So picture this. What would life be like for you if you could:

•work from the comfort of your own home
• make money all hours of the day even if you never left your home
•set your own work hours
•attend all of your family events and not have miss out because of work
•avoid rush hour traffic
•take vacations wherever and whenever you want

These are just a few of the benefits of a business from home. I could go on and on. Sounds like a dream, right? Of course it does, but is it really possible and if so, how?

Well, here’s the good news! One of the quickest and most productive ways to make money online is to create and invest in your own Internet Marketing Business.

That list that I mentioned earlier, the one that’s not even close to being inclusive... that’s the life of an Internet Marketer.

But hold on just a minute!

Before you run off and start throwing websites up all over the internet, you need to realize that you can’t just put up any old site and expect to receive an avalanche of cash. A lovely thought, but nowhere close to being a reality. In order to find internet success, you need to follow a proven system that someone else has tested and made money from, unless, of course, you happen to be naturally gifted in all things Web 2.0.

I’m willing to bet that’s not the case for most people.

Even if you have a basic working knowledge of how this “cyber stuff” works, the last thing you want to do is to go at it alone and try to make money through trial and error. That kind of unnecessarily wasted time and effort could result in years before you start making any money.

Ok then…so where can you find a proven method to help you start your Internet Marketing Business?

Here’s where we go back to square one. It is worth your time to use the internet to review and study techniques that have brought success to others. Be open to instruction and see which methods are a fit for you… social networking, PPC (pay per click), affiliate marketing? The options are plenty, but the action is up to you.

To Your Success!

P.S. Click here for 3 free videos to help you get started.

These videos will reveal:
• The BEST and FASTEST way for a beginner to start making money online
• How to get a rush of traffic to your site - (No traffic, no money)
• How to build a list of potential repeat buyers

So if you have ever thought about starting your own Internet Marketing Business, then you should grab these videos while you can because I don't know how long they'll be available at this "price"

So go check them out...

Get your videos now!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Maiden Voyage

Well, here it is!!!! My first real trip to the blogosphere...not that anyone has been waiting for it but me. I actually "forced" myself to "go Nike" on it and just do it because I've puttered around with the idea for so long it was eating away at me.

So here's the scoop. I'm just your average wife and mother who found herself increasingly drained by and disenchanted with "the real world." I had an epiphany about 2 1/2 years ago and stepped away from my j.o.b vowing not to return to that world again. By that world I mean the "trading time for money...whadda ya mean you need time off?!?!....who's going to stay home with the kids who are sick?" world....perhaps you've heard of it.

It was then that I realized I was a control freak....gasp! Actually, I prefer to call it an entrepreneurial spirit. Is anyone who wants to make the most of whatever time we have on this Earth deserving of such a label. Well I, for one don't think so. (I'm thinking there may be a few more who agree)

Anyway, the birth, rather the release of, Daneene the Entrepreneur has landed me here in a place where I'm eager to nurture, share and analyze the many facets of me...and hopefully pick up a few more friends along the way. You're welcome to join me on this journey.

So there it is. My first "real" blog post....and it didn't hurt a bit. I'm hoping to expand this site to include resources, ramblings and other cool stuff that ,for whatever reason, intrigue, inspire or even perplex me.

Before I go, I want to share a video with you that really resonated with me. The benefits of loving what you do and doing what you love are real hot spots for me and I think that Gary Vaynerchuk nails that concept in this clip of his "presentation" at the Web 2.0 conference. Smurf it up people!!!!!! What will your legacy be?

******WARNING: Video contains explicit language**************

Hey! If you want to get 3 free videos to get more info on how to make money online like Gary, click here!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008