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Friday, December 19, 2008

Super Cute and Free...

So I guess you can say I've been on a "freebie" kick lately but I had to give a quick shout out to the site that's responsible for adding a little pizzazz to my blog!

If you haven't been to yet...get there now! They have boatloads of free backgrounds to add a little zest to your blog. They can also customize headers and offer photo card design too! There are a bounty of resources that a gizmo gal like me can get lost in for days. Fret not fellas, they have "masculine" stuff too!

So here's to Becky and Ashley! Thanks for creating such a wonderful site with enough blogger eye candy to keep me happy!

See what I mean? Adorable!!!!

...and stay tuned...I plan to check out their tips on how to add a gorgeous signature to your blog!

All the best,

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

You Don't Find Free Graphics Anymore.....or do you?

Here's something I'm excited to share with all the internet marketers out there!

I came across this great product that is a definite plus in my books.

Not only does it make the job of an internet marketer easier, faster and with a great professional look, they are offering it for free. (free is good... I love free don't you?!?!)

Imagine that!

Finding great professional work like this will cost a fortune, not to mention the "cost" of trying to design them yourself. If you're anything like me all you'll end up with is a tension headache, huge gaps of lost time in your life and maybe a couple nights in the "dog house"....not exactly what I'd call an optimal result.

For some it will consume your days, leaving no time to attend to anything else...sound familiar?

But have no fear....FREE GRAPHICS ARE HERE!!!!

I must say that the graphics are great (I'm big on visual aesthetics) and the quality is superb. They're just what you need to grab attention and help make that sale...without the added frustration of the "not so simple" creative process. (If you happen to be good at those things....more power to you and keep on rockin')

Anyway, these cool graphics can be used for:

-Opt In forms

-Order Now Buttons

-Download Now Buttons

-Guarantee Buttons

- and more...

And the best part is, the are All for free.
....did I mention that they're free!
....can you tell I'm a wee bit thrilled about this?

All right, enough celebration....if you want find out more,(and get cool graphics for FREE) click here...

....but hurry!!!......who knows when these guys will come to their senses and start charging what it's worth :)

All the best,
