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Saturday, January 31, 2009

I'm Now Pulblishing On

Social Publishing Network | AddsYou

So exactly what is AddsYou? Well, let's get the skinny straight from the horses mouth. Here's the description as posted on their site. is a social publishing network that pays authors for their written works. This compilation of novels, blog posts, how-tos, news articles, shorts stories, poems, screenplays, etc. is positioned to become the world’s largest database of knowledge.

Characterized as the Ultimate Publishing Community™, AddsYou redefines the way people publish and share knowledge on the internet, without the limitations of a blog, forum or wiki. AddsYou is the evolution of online knowledge-based sharing and publishing. It is unencumbered by the limitations of a blog, forum or wiki. By combining a free and easy-to-use content management system with helpful tools, such as personal and shared collections to manage and sort publishings, an importer to transfer blog postings, and a license and copyright manager, AddsYou is the one stop shop for publishing, marketing and monetizing content on the web.

Sounds cool to me! Check it out and let me know what you think.

To Your Success,

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

John Assaraf's Superpower...Is It In You?

So here's a question?

"If you could have any superpower in the world,what would it be?"

Watch this video to discover the superpower millionaire business coach John Assaraf says every person desires:

The Greatest Superpower in the World

Is right here!

There are a lot of cool superpowers out there: invisibility, mastery of the elements, reading people’s thoughts...

But you know what?

Of all the dozens of superpowers we can think of or
imagine, when asked this same question...

Every millionaire and success master chose the same power!

What is this one superpower that every wealthy and successful person agrees is the best?
More importantly, why do they believe this is a power YOU can possess? It's easier and more effective than you could possibly imagine.

You see, the wealthiest, happiest, most successful people in the world have come clean about this "power" for centuries.

World-renowned internet marketing giants like Frank Kern, Willie Crawford, and Eben Pagan, not
to mention, major success development giants like Jack Canfield, Deepak Chopra, and Oprah Winfrey...
they all possess and teach it.

So why haven't you discovered and used this incredible superpower yet?

It's so simple, you've probably ignored it!

Don't make that same mistake again. This isn't a gimmick to push some slick new money-making scheme, affiliate program, or software.

Actually, it couldn't be farther from it. You won't see a polished pitch in this video. In fact it's pretty "raw" if you ask me!

Just a conversation between John Assaraf and an underground insider, Harrison Klein. But what they talk about will blow your mind. What if the greatest superpower in the world was one YOU could possess?

Check this video out and who knows?
Your Very Own Superpower could be waiting for you right here!

If you haven't heard of John Assaraf, he is one of the most famous wealth and business experts in the world
and was featured in the movie, "The Secret."

Listen to what he has to say, put it to work in your own life and business, and be sure to listen to the very end to find out how you can learn more about tapping into this superpower for yourself (for FREE).

You'll learn how to cultivate this superpower plus plenty more. It's an intense conversation, but you get to be a fly on the wall.

WATCH THIS! Then use what you've learned.
Be sure to stop back here and leave a comment about your experience.

I mean, hey, if this is how the rich and successful people
of the world are doing things, then that's all I need to know.

And I'll be honest: when I first watched this conversation, I was a bit curious, maybe even a little confused. It's not at all what I was expecting. It's not
marketing, it's not business, it's not even mindset.

It's that vital power that comes BEFORE all that. It's what makes all that stuff work.

Do me a favor though. Don't ignore it because it seems strange or easy. If you want the type of money, success, and life that millionaires like John Assaraf enjoy...

Well when in Rome...


I know I am.

To your success,