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Saturday, November 6, 2010

A Diamond in the Rough...Is Your Doctor This Cool?

I just got this via email and I wanted to share some startling information about medical doctors...
but before people get upset about what I’m going to say in the rest of the message, I'd like to be clear on
a couple things:

As an RN, as well as a medical consumer, I truly believe most medical doctors, at heart, are kind,and well-meaning people, who have worked very hard to educate themselves in an attempt to help people...

Let me also say that in a pinch, such as a medical emergency, there is nothing better than western allopathic medicine to keep you alive!

There are however, a few other points to consider...

Prescription drugs, vaccines, needless surgeries and more are the norm in this day and age. It's difficult to deny that there can be a negative side to these parts of the system.

Modern medicine tends to be more about SICK-CARE than health care.

The good news is that there are some amazing doctors out there, leading the charge in getting people truly healthy.

And the results they’re seeing are ASTONISHING.

I highly recommend you to watch this video with Dr.Joel Fuhrman to hear about how to truly be healthy.

In this video Dr. Fuhrman will share with you specific details on what you can do to ensure that you never get sick again.

And if you're currently sick he'll tell you what to do to get well (and give you some amazing examples of clients he's helped that USED to have diseases like heart disease, diabetes and lupus before they saw him.)

Make sure to leave your comments about the video, and if you missed the previous video with Morgan Spurlock (from Supersize Me)watch that one too!

The first video with Morgan Spurlock has had over1,000 comments on the blog.  People were amazedby what he shared.

To Your Awareness!

P.S. - Here are just a few of the comments from the over1,000 comments on the first video with Morgan:

"You are perfectly correct. If you took you car to get it fixed and it wasn’t, you’d get angry.

But people take their body to get fixed and it isn’t, and that’s okay with them.

Not to mention they keep going back to the same Dr. for years, that doesn’t heal them. Madness is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different outcome."-----------------------------------------------------------------------------

"Amazing how our bodies respond when we give them what they NEED instead of giving them what we WANT. He did a great job sharing so much important information. So glad that it is being shared this way."-----------------------------------------------------------------------------

"This video has been very well said and done. way too many people in this world are brainwashed by doctors, big pharma, the food industry. When people get sick, they run to the doctor for a magic pill to make them well again. this is nothing but a wheel of fortune."-----------------------------------------------------------------------------

"This stuff is really important! Thank You. I want more…."-----------------------------------------------------------------------------

p.p.s. Yes those are affiliate links :)