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Friday, November 6, 2009

What's really in that burger? E.coli and chicken feces both allowed by USDA by Mike Adams the Health Ranger

What's really in that burger? E.coli and chicken feces both allowed by USDA by Mike Adams the Health Ranger

So I wouldn't exactly consider myself "hard-core" when it comes to what and how I eat, but this article really struck a cord with me.
Do I think there may be a little extra emphasis on the likelihood of being affected by this....maybe. Do I think that in general, when
you look for "scary" things to find about our food sources, you'll eventually find it......for sure! But I also think there's enough here
to stand up and take notice. Keep a watchful eye, so to speak. So, I'm choosing to share this article in the spirit of awareness. Stay tuned.

I was planning on having steak for dinner......that may have to be reconsidered....then again...maybe not.