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Tuesday, December 9, 2008

$100,000 "Net" A Day? This is a game changer....

Once in a while a unique new product hits the market.
It doesn't happen often these days, and when it does
it's both refreshing, and very exciting.

Now while a new product is kinda cool, it isn't that
big of a deal, until you find out the developers of
this methodology NET between $50,000.00 and
$100,000.00 a day.

Yes A DAY.
What is it? It's a new twist on an old concept of an
Underused, under exploited and WAY under-estimated
stream of traffic with insane potential.

This is the first and only chance you may have to learn
from someone who regularly makes $100,000 a DAY online.
Brad Fallon of StomperNet has just made a video talking
about a closed door event last week where these guys spoke,
and blew away all the Guru's.

Go watch it now, and grab the 25-page report that might
just change the way you approach… forever.

Get your free report now!

To Your Success!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Obama: No one 'more qualified' than Shinseki to head VA -

Obama: No one 'more qualified' than Shinseki to head VA -

On November 20th, 1995, I was hired for my first "real job" as an RN. The Louis Stokes Cleveland Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center (mouthful isn't it?) would be my place of employment for the next 10-plus years.

There's something special about a VA hospital. I think it's the camaraderie among the patients. They all have something in common....they served! Getting to know these guys and gals through my tenure at the Cleveland VA is something I'll always cherish and was one of the things I missed the most when I left to stay at home to nurture my children and my entrepreneurial spirit.

It's been just a bit shy of three years since I stepped away and many of the memories have faded a bit...but the recollection of an overwhelming sense of gratitude is just as strong...not only my gratitude for all they have done, but the gratitude the Veterans themselves have for the system that vowed to take care of them.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Manifest Your Dreams

With the popularity of The Secret, I think I'd be hard pressed to find anyone who didn't have some inkling of what "The Law of Attraction" is all about....and... how powerful it can be. Sure, there are naysayers and skeptics alike but in general, I think it's safe to say that the idea of visualizing and manifesting your desired reality are not as "taboo" as they used to be.

I've recently come across a great tool to help you rev up the law of attraction by giving a *boost* to your visualization. I literally can't stop talking about it. It's called a Mind Movie and it was created by a guy from
Australia that was able to create the life he **desired** by using them and now he wants to help other people do the same. You can check out an interview with him here.

Aside: What's with Australia anyway....the "birth" of The Secret, now this! I'm thinking I need to take a trip down under!!!!!

Anyway, here's the url in case the link is a bit wonky (I'm still learning ya know?)

It's definitely worth taking a peek! You can even request 6 free pre-made videos for you to try out. No, it's not a free trial kind of a thing. They're yours to download without obligation....sweet!!!!

The other really cool thing is that you can actually purchase a kit so you can create your own personalized mind movies. Add your own empowering phrases, pictures, music, etc., etc. I just received my kit the other day so I'll have to keep you posted on the progress of my first manifesting video creation. Perhaps I'll even post it. I bet you can hardly wait!

Just remember....thoughts do become be picky and be positive!!!

All the best,