Custom Search

Friday, November 6, 2009

What's really in that burger? E.coli and chicken feces both allowed by USDA by Mike Adams the Health Ranger

What's really in that burger? E.coli and chicken feces both allowed by USDA by Mike Adams the Health Ranger

So I wouldn't exactly consider myself "hard-core" when it comes to what and how I eat, but this article really struck a cord with me.
Do I think there may be a little extra emphasis on the likelihood of being affected by this....maybe. Do I think that in general, when
you look for "scary" things to find about our food sources, you'll eventually find it......for sure! But I also think there's enough here
to stand up and take notice. Keep a watchful eye, so to speak. So, I'm choosing to share this article in the spirit of awareness. Stay tuned.

I was planning on having steak for dinner......that may have to be reconsidered....then again...maybe not.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Definitely Worth a Look and Worth Sharing Before June

I just found an amazing new website that could very
well be one of the BIG things of 2009.

Forrester Research released a report in April 2009
predicting that this company's business model will be
the 'New Era Of The Social Web'.

It's the next generation of Social Networks that they
are calling ' Community Marketplaces' and as a marketer
you can leverage it to get more traffic, sales and income
by getting other people to build your business for you.

You can take advantage of Community Marketing for free
and start getting mainstream Internet users to
build you a Community rather than just building a list.

It's an online/offline Network of Family Friendly Local
and Special Interest Communities that's different to
any of the Social Networks, Communities, Search Engines
and other big sites I've seen before.

They're taking a Web2.0 approach to Local Search and
Niche Marketing and are launching in June.

Everyone that joins before end of June gets a bigger share
of the profits as one of the top 1000 referrers in the
referral competition.

It get's better! Everyone who registers before the
full launch in June also earns JV bonus commissions.

It doesn't costs a cent to be a member and just like
how eBay and PayPal started, they have big incentives
on the table for those who get in early and let others

They share 80% of their profits with the members and
member-chosen Charities and Community Groups PLUS have
big commissions on what looks like will be big sales.
They have Business and Consumer Products and one
person per Local and Special Interest World can buy a
Community Partnership and get a bigger share of the
traffic and revenue.

I'd suggest you join and let all your friends and
contacts know ASAP as the more active you are, the bigger
your share of the profits and the more money that will
go to Charities chosen by you and other members.

Remember, the Joint Venture Opportunity is ONLY available
to those who register before the June launch.

With people like Lynn Terry, David Perdew and Mark
Hendricks all recently inviting Rob Anderson the CEO
and Founder to share Community Marketing with their
people... the cat is being let out of the bag on this
major innovation in the Social web.

I'm in! Won't you come join me?

To Your Success,

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Must Have's and Meditation

I've recently added a new weekly feature to my Arbonne newsletter. I call it "Makeup-Your Mind Monday." Each Monday I send my subscribers a couple helpful tips in the makeup and mindset arenas. I thought I'd share one here too. If you'd like to have these and other health, wellness and makeup tips delivered right to your inbox, just fill out the subscription form for my Arbonne newsletter on the right.
To Your Wellbeing!

Must Have's and Meditation
April 6, 2009

Well, it has officially been spring for a while now, yet here in northeast Ohio, we're experiencing pretty significant snow showers. Go figure! The weather here is predictably unpredictable... which got me thinking about how grateful I am for the few things in life that I can rely on consistently. So, today's Makeup portion is a nod to my favorite makeup products that never let me down. Once again, I'll share celebrity makeup artist Krista Embry's take on the subject, especially because her fav's are very similar to mine, but here's my top 5 quicklist for good measure.

Virtual IllusionTM Makeup Primerprimer
I love the way it feels....velvety, soft and fabulous.
ing a primer should be. Whether I'm wearing makeup or going "au natual", it's definitely a must for me

liquid foundationAbout Face Line Defiance Liquid Foundation
Great coverage without the "heavy" feeling. Leaves a soft, dewy appearance for
a soft glow all day long. Color stays true too!

Virtual IllusionTM Dual Volume Mascaradual volume
Love, love, love this mascara. Really volumizes the lashes without clumping,smudging or flaking. Dual applicator with two zany looking but very effective patented brushes for the ultimate lashes. Step one adds volume and length. Step two adds a conditioning shine that lifts and curls (without archaic torture devices...whoo hoo!)

mineral powder

About Face Mineral Powder Foundation
I was skeptical of it's ability to cover at first, but boy was I mistaken. I love how quick and easy the application is.

No Sun Intended Bronzing Powderbronzer
Perfect for the sun-kissed look without too much sparkle or that scary orange hue. Great for contouring too!

So, there's my top 5. Trust me I could go on...and on...but I'll let Krista Embry's
articles do the rest. Enjoy her take on Arbonne's "don't go without it" products in a two part article.
....and now for Your Mind...


A quick trip to Wikipedia after searching the word "meditation" will reveal an interesting and diverse history. Meditation, which basically means "awareness" has been around for at least 5,000 years. What I find most interesting, is that meditation, or some form of it, exists in a multitude of religions and has a secular presence as well.
Meditation is a way to calm the mind and center the "self." It can be clarifying, relaxing and rejuvenating. I, myself, have much to learn and am far from being an expert, but I can speak to it's benefits from personal experience.
When first beginning to practice meditation it's important to patient. If you're like most people, you'll find scattered thoughts and ideas sneaking into your "quiet mind" moments. I read somewhere this is often referred to as "monkey mind." (I don't know why, but that term makes me chuckle.) Just remember to keep in mind that like any new "skill" it takes time to develop and that each individual's learning curve is different and unique to them.
In the beginning I found it easier to meditate with the assistance of a tool or by following a script or outline. Below are a few resources I've recently come across that I hope are a benefit to you.

View the Gift of Inner Peace Movie (5 minutes)

Free Online Meditation Scripts and Methods

Zen Habits: Meditation for Beginners

To Your Awareness!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Procrastination: Don't Put Off Until Tomorrow....But How?

When it comes to suffering from procrastination, I'm not exaggerating when I say I could have written the book on it. I used to be a consistently chronic "last-minute Lucy" and delayed, delayed, delayed to the very last minute.

Aside: To be truthful, there are benefits to this kind of
"affliction," in certain scenarios....but that's another article
for another time

Did you notice I said "used to be"? Thankfully, by a series of co-inky-dinks (if you believe in chance) or because I attracted it (if you believe in the powers of manifesting ), I was able to learn how to eliminate the tendency to procrastinate .I still have room for improvement, but have definitely made major progress in the right direction. Here are a few quick tips that have helped me so far.

  1. Face it
    In order to get where you want to go, you need to know what your
    starting point is. What is the end result you desire and is your
    current activity level going to get you there? Be honest but
    compassionate. Progress suffers when we beat ourselves up. Here's
    a quote to remember: "What you resist, persists. What you embrace,
    dissolves with grace" I thank business coach, Sonia Stringer, for that one.
  2. Things that make you go...hmmmm...???
    Ask yourself "What's the smallest step I could take to move me closer
    to my goal?" One thing I've learned how to do is to "live in the question." People too often "should" themselves into inactivity. By asking without attachment and releasing the pressure that goes with it, you'll be surprised at what bubbles up.
  3. It's worth repeating
    Once you've identified a "teeny-tiny-itty-bitty action" (TTIBA), do it every day. If you find it too hard to repeat consistently, then find a smaller action (see Step 2).

For example, if your goal is to reduce clutter in your home
or office, your TTIBA could be to properly file/dispose of
one piece of paper each morning. If you really want to
ramp up the success rate, attach a silly action, word or
activity to your TTIBA. This will associate your activity
with fun and "good vibes" and make it even easier to repeat.

  1. CCCCeeeelll-a-brate good times...come on!
    Everybody loves a winner...and so does your brain. Behavior rewarded, is behavior repeated. Each time you complete your TTIBA, be sure to celebrate it...pat yourself on the back, let out a big WhoooooHoooo! or anything else that feels good. This also reinforces your good vibrations.
  2. Steady wins the race
    Simply put, consistency is key! In fact, consistency trumps the size of the action about 100 fold....maybe even 1000! So steady as she goes, and you're sure to see progress.

Well, there you have it! These 5 quick tips are really just the tip of the iceberg, but effective none the less. For more detailed (and powerful) information on how to pummel procrastination for good, go to and tell Wendy that Daneene sent you!

Happy Forward Motion!


Monday, March 23, 2009

Falling Off The Wagon

Well, it certainly appears that my blog is starting to look a lot like my diary. I've had the same diary since I was 17 years old.....I'm now 38 and there's still TONS of room to write. Ah, my old nemesis strikes again....consistency...or lack thereof, I should say.

So, now what. First, and most importantly, I will not beat myself up about it. Compassionate evaluation is the key. Second, do a better job of dedicating time to blogging. We'll see how it goes.
Wish me luck!

Saturday, January 31, 2009

I'm Now Pulblishing On

Social Publishing Network | AddsYou

So exactly what is AddsYou? Well, let's get the skinny straight from the horses mouth. Here's the description as posted on their site. is a social publishing network that pays authors for their written works. This compilation of novels, blog posts, how-tos, news articles, shorts stories, poems, screenplays, etc. is positioned to become the world’s largest database of knowledge.

Characterized as the Ultimate Publishing Community™, AddsYou redefines the way people publish and share knowledge on the internet, without the limitations of a blog, forum or wiki. AddsYou is the evolution of online knowledge-based sharing and publishing. It is unencumbered by the limitations of a blog, forum or wiki. By combining a free and easy-to-use content management system with helpful tools, such as personal and shared collections to manage and sort publishings, an importer to transfer blog postings, and a license and copyright manager, AddsYou is the one stop shop for publishing, marketing and monetizing content on the web.

Sounds cool to me! Check it out and let me know what you think.

To Your Success,

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

John Assaraf's Superpower...Is It In You?

So here's a question?

"If you could have any superpower in the world,what would it be?"

Watch this video to discover the superpower millionaire business coach John Assaraf says every person desires:

The Greatest Superpower in the World

Is right here!

There are a lot of cool superpowers out there: invisibility, mastery of the elements, reading people’s thoughts...

But you know what?

Of all the dozens of superpowers we can think of or
imagine, when asked this same question...

Every millionaire and success master chose the same power!

What is this one superpower that every wealthy and successful person agrees is the best?
More importantly, why do they believe this is a power YOU can possess? It's easier and more effective than you could possibly imagine.

You see, the wealthiest, happiest, most successful people in the world have come clean about this "power" for centuries.

World-renowned internet marketing giants like Frank Kern, Willie Crawford, and Eben Pagan, not
to mention, major success development giants like Jack Canfield, Deepak Chopra, and Oprah Winfrey...
they all possess and teach it.

So why haven't you discovered and used this incredible superpower yet?

It's so simple, you've probably ignored it!

Don't make that same mistake again. This isn't a gimmick to push some slick new money-making scheme, affiliate program, or software.

Actually, it couldn't be farther from it. You won't see a polished pitch in this video. In fact it's pretty "raw" if you ask me!

Just a conversation between John Assaraf and an underground insider, Harrison Klein. But what they talk about will blow your mind. What if the greatest superpower in the world was one YOU could possess?

Check this video out and who knows?
Your Very Own Superpower could be waiting for you right here!

If you haven't heard of John Assaraf, he is one of the most famous wealth and business experts in the world
and was featured in the movie, "The Secret."

Listen to what he has to say, put it to work in your own life and business, and be sure to listen to the very end to find out how you can learn more about tapping into this superpower for yourself (for FREE).

You'll learn how to cultivate this superpower plus plenty more. It's an intense conversation, but you get to be a fly on the wall.

WATCH THIS! Then use what you've learned.
Be sure to stop back here and leave a comment about your experience.

I mean, hey, if this is how the rich and successful people
of the world are doing things, then that's all I need to know.

And I'll be honest: when I first watched this conversation, I was a bit curious, maybe even a little confused. It's not at all what I was expecting. It's not
marketing, it's not business, it's not even mindset.

It's that vital power that comes BEFORE all that. It's what makes all that stuff work.

Do me a favor though. Don't ignore it because it seems strange or easy. If you want the type of money, success, and life that millionaires like John Assaraf enjoy...

Well when in Rome...


I know I am.

To your success,

Monday, January 5, 2009

I Just Can't Stop Exploring!

I'm evaluating a multi-media course on blogging from the folks at Simpleology. For a while, they're letting you snag it for free if you post about it on your blog.

It covers:

  • The best blogging techniques.
  • How to get traffic to your blog.
  • How to turn your blog into money.

So my IM journey continues and takes yet another turn. I'll let you know what I think once I've had a chance to check it out. Meanwhile, go grab yours while it's still free.

To Your Success!

It's Beginning To Come Together

Well, it's rather late (2 am) and it's back to the regular routine tomorrow (blech!) but I'm too excited to sleep. I'm beginning to see the merger and melding of my internet marketing and network marketing efforts coming to fruition. When I began this blog...just a bit over a month ago...I didn't exactly know how it would unfold. I have so many interests, passions, quirks, etc. and I wondered if putting it all in one spot would appear a bit chaotic and unbalanced. But hey, why hide who you really are right?

Anyway, my good friend, colleague and overall partner-in-crime ;-) Tina and I have both been on this journey. The blending of our marketing and internet marketing....I call it "inter-network marketing" (makes sense to me). We've dabbled, dreamed, explored and complained about several different ideas to use the skills we've developed in each genre to benefit the other.

Well, I'm thrilled that the first venture (hopefully one of many) is ready for it's debut. We'll be conducting a 10 week series of tele-classes geared toward helping others with their healthy eating, wellness and weight management goals for the new year. The content will include healthy eating tips, highlights of products that can support these lifestyle changes and a host of other tools, etc. to help support and empower group members.

If you'd like to learn a little bit more, check out this video Tina put together. I think it rocks! just-shy-of-3-year old son does too...he can't help but shake his little touche when he hears the music.

You can also get more information from my website (click on the Healthy Living Team/Our Products tab)...or if you're thinking that 2009 is the year to make some healthier choices and your ready to take action now, fill out the form below. It's free to join and we'd love to have you!


To Your Success!

P.S. I have no idea why the spacing is so funky and I'm just a wee bit too tired to try to figure it out.....sorry for the eyeball strain :(

Thursday, January 1, 2009

I'm trying something new

I just found this through one of my twitter followers. Looks interesting....and potentially profitable?

Check it out and let me know what you think.